Saturday 14 December 2013

Broga Hill, Semenyih, Malaysia

Hi been a long time i'm didn't update any i wanna share some story bout my new adventure on 11.12.13 ( is that wonderful date right ?..hehe)..
On 11.12.13, my team and i was set off from TNB Jalan Timur, Petaling Jaya at 5.30 so so so sleepy but for sure, i was really was about 50 km from Petaling Jaya to Broga Hill..we arrived at Broga Hill at 6.30 a.m..for your information, Broga Hill height was only 400 meter..also, this hill have 3 peaks..low, medium, reach the highest peak, we need to walk (climbing) 1.7 km and here some pic to share..its time to climbing!!hihi..

right view from first peak

left view from first peak

that was the first peak!!to many people over there

on the way to first peak..

left view of second peak

right view of second peak

my team at the second peak..

yeah!! we at 400 meter height!

i'm not sure this left view or right view..hahaha

my new climbing team..hohoho

jump for joy!!

first peak

left (first peak), right (second peak)


by  Miss Whatever @ Naami